Parking Garage #2
Universities at Shady Grove, Rockville, Maryland
This new 260,000 sf five-level open garage with 700 parking spaces was designed to meet ADA requirements and Green Garage certification requirements for Bronze through Parksmart. Sustainable design features include electrical charging stations, photovoltaic panels on the roof, energy efficient lighting and lighting controls, bicycle racks, and sun shading in the stair tower. Our services included design of power service and distribution, lighting and power systems, communications control and security systems, provisions for signage, electric vehicle charging stations and a photo voltaic system consisting of a pole mounted PV system with 183 modules proposed for generating a total nominal rating of 42kW; plumbing included water, storm and sanitary systems and a storm draining system; and fire suppression standpipe and alarm systems.
Services: E/P/FP Design and CA
Size: 260,000 GSF
Cost: $20.1 Million
Green Garage Certification – Parksmart Bronze – first certified Green garage in the U.S.
INTERNATIONAL PARKING INSTITUTE, 2017 Award of Excellence, Electrical Engineer