Glen L. Martin Airport, Maryland State Police Flight Training Center
Middle River, Maryland
The installation and build-out of a two-story flight training center adjacent to an existing aircraft hangar at the State Police Command Facility at Martin State Airport was to be used for training new AW139 helicopter flight crews, paramedics and firefighters throughout the state. The building was designed around a Flight Training Device, a non-moving flight simulator with control configurations identical to the fleet. Design also included a flight training area, classroom, break room, instructor operating station, computer room, dormitory rooms, restrooms, debriefing room, maintenance office and storage, instructor offices, and a loading dock area. The building is also equipped with a static hoist platform and a raised access floor to facilitate maintenance and installation and to ensure a safe and ergonomic layout. Mechanical systems were designed to comply with strict temperature and humidity controls necessary to maintain optimal operational conditions for equipment reliability and operational efficiency. Electrical design included an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), a power distribution panel, and lighting. Fire protection design included fire alarm and suppression systems. WFT provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection design and construction administration services. The project was a task order under a Maryland DGS on-call IQC.