George W. Veditz Vocational School Renovation
Maryland School for the Deaf, Frederick, MD
The Veditz Vocational School provides academic, career, and life-based learning leading to a Maryland high school diploma. Constructed in 1974, the building was in need of modernization and space reconfigurations to make it functional for contemporary vocational education curricula and to meet current building codes and accessibility. The school encompasses 46,515 sf on two levels with classrooms and Career Technology Education (CTE) areas for culinary arts, wood shop, and an automotive shop. Other spaces include office areas, meeting and conference rooms, and support spaces. As all of the students and most faculty on campus are deaf or hard of hearing, and some are multiply disabled, spaces were designed to enable all individuals to travel throughout the building unaided or with minimal reliance on others. Accessible systems and equipment for life safety and emergency egress from the building were also updated. WFT provided plumbing, fire protection and fire alarm design and construction administration services. $12.3M
As a separate project, WFT performed a facility assessment and analysis of MEP/FP systems, space use, code compliance and accessibility in support of Part II programming to determine budget and design requirements for this project.